New Way Forward

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The Truth About Marriage

There are some harsh realities and hard truths about marriage, and those truths and realities are important to acknowledge, address, and grapple with. But today I’m here with the beautiful truths; some affirmations for marriage to hold fast to in a culture that often devalues it, a world that often distracts from it, and circumstances that can cause us to doubt it.

  • Your lifelong commitment, forsaking all others and all else, is truly and uniquely special

  • Lifelong monogamy is beautiful, exciting, rich, dynamic, deeply intimate, and sacred

  • Marriage is a beautiful picture of God’s love and the Gospel 

  • Marriage is an anchor and foundation for your family

  • Your marriage deserves your undivided devotion, complete commitment, and the best of your time and energy

  • The sacrifices and costs of marriage make way for things of great value

  • Marriage has so much capacity for fun, passion, companionship, intimacy, grace, joy, comfort, so so many other good things

  • Marriage holds untold potential for bearing fruit in many different ways

  • Marriage is designed, ordained, and blessed by God 

YES, your marriage IS that important, that sacred, that deserving, that significant. I’ll warn against idolatry, unrealistic expectations, over-dependence, and other harmful mindsets we can fall into later. Today I will honor, esteem, and uphold marriage as one of God’s brilliant ideas and one of the things He has embedded in the physical World to help us discover and understand the spiritual. 

Enjoy the fullness of your incredible union today and rest in the grace and blessing God has upon it.

Think about it:

What do you love about marriage? What affirmations do you have for your marriage today? 

Do it: 

Spend some time in prayer thanking God for His good plan for marriage.

Make a list of the things of great value that have come out of your marriage. What fruit do you see? What has God accomplished in you, your spouse, your family, and your community through your union?

Life and marriage can be full of many hard things. I pray that your heart is encouraged as you spend time reflecting on the good things.