New Way Forward

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2 Things You Should Be Doing for Your Spouse DAILY

Philippians 4:6-9 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

By prayer and petition, with thanksgiving.

And the peace of God will guard your hearts and your minds (and your marriages).

There is a direct link here from prayer and gratitude to peace and protection. Could your marriage use more peace? Do your mind and your thoughts about your marriage need some protection from resentment, misalignment, or discord? If some things have been sneaking into your thoughts that aren’t serving you and your marriage well, or you feel you need more peace in your marriage and you are not already doing these 2 things, start TODAY.

1. Pray for your spouse daily

We’re not promised that prayer will change our circumstances. What we do know is that prayer will change our own hearts.

Prayer allows God in and and invites Him to move in your circumstances. Pray over what you know is going on in your spouse, pray over the concerns you have, pray for your spouse over the areas they want to grow (not just the ways you wish they would change), pray over them in the things they’re struggling with. Pray for your your own mind and heart toward your spouse.

2. Practice thankfulness

I’m talking start a journal, make a chart, do something concrete. Get a calendar and record something you’re thankful about your spouse each day. Keep your thoughts on a note in your phone. Whatever you need to do to keep a record and keep yourself accountable.

Don’t be afraid to write down repeats. In fact, when you write repeats, you’ll start noticing patterns and consistencies in your husband or wife. Those little things he does every single day that you’ve never noticed or pointed out or thanked him for. Things that are character traits that she continues to do well because it’s just who she is.

Our hearts are transformed by loving prayer and diligent thankfulness. I’m learning to be stubborn and relentless in finding things to be thankful for about my husband. It makes it harder to complain, harder to build up resentment, and keeps the things close to my heart that can be easy to forget when the weaknesses and shortcomings seem glaring. 

Be faithful in this, husbands and wives, and watch the Lord work in your marriage. Watch the love, humility, grace, and contentment crowd out any criticism, resentment, discontentment, or comparison.

And don’t forget to share with your spouse what you noticed in them today! As you spend time practicing thankfulness for spouse, use it as an opportunity to encourage and build them up regularly as well. 

Think about it:

How does prayer and gratitude shape your mind and heart toward your marriage?

How does it offer protection for your marriage?

Do it:

Pray right now thanking God for one thing about your spouse. Then text your spouse, call them unexpectedly, write them a note, or tell them when they get home what you thanked the Lord for today.